Elizabeth Tudor was born on September 7 1533 at Greenwich Palace. She was the daughter of King Herny and his second wife, Anne Boelyn. Her birth was possibly the greatest disappointment in her father's life. He had wanted a son and heir to succeed him as he already had a daughter, Mary, by his first wife, Katherine of Argon. He had not divorced Katherince, and changed the religion of the country in the process, to have only another daughter. Elizabeth's early life was consequently troubled. Her mother failed to provide the King with a son and was executed on false charges of incest and adultery on May 19, 1536. Anne's marriage to the King was declared null and void, and Elizabeth, like her half-sister, Mary, was declared illegitimate and deprived of her place in the line of succesion at the age of 2.  



This website was created by Mr. Roths 10th grade students. MarQuishia Wright, Leah Reynolds, Andrea Canacci, Blake Roubos, and Jiaqi Fan. This was a project that we had to creative and teach others about Queen Elizabeth. We decided to create a website instead of shooting a movie or making a powerpoint presentation. Different right? We hope you enjoy our website!